Matt's Blog

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. 2 Cor: 5:20

Lessons Learned

  • Oddly enough I learned this lesson when remodeling a house we owned in Knoxville. Sometimes you notice something that potentially needs to be fixed BUT, in reality, it only needs fixing because you’re so micro focused on it at the moment. Sometimes it’s best to give it space & time and then reconsider if you…


  • Here recently I’ve been able to interview quite a few people to hopefully join us. One of the common questions I get asked is “What is it that you enjoy most about your job?” My answer is typically twofold: Focusing in on the second one in this post, I find that I’m often trying to…


  • Fortunately… or unfortunately… I’ve worked at 7 or so different places thus far in my career journey. So, I have a handful of experiences when it comes to leaving teams and companies. For the most part, I can remember in decent detail the situations in which I left. I can also recall the last day…


  • In my early teens, I started a company called “Alpha Tech”. Really it was just my way of working on computers for friends and family. I’d write up quotes, do the work, submit invoices, and move on to the next. I can’t remember if it was in parallel or later on, I eventually worked for…


  • This lesson learned comes mainly from two verses that have lingered with me for a while now. I’ve also learned that implementing this Lesson Learned is far from easy and that it is surprising how many professionals easily sway their commitments when times are tough. I’m not perfect by any means and I’m sure I…


  • Have you ever received a message that left you kind of confused and weren’t sure what the person meant by it? You could assume they mean something by the “…” or that they said “Thanks” in a snarky manner or that “I guess” is implying they’re currently indecisive. I know that when my wife, Rachel,…


  • Growing up my Dad got me into personal finance probably around the age of 12. I intend to do the same thing with my kids. He opened a kid checking account for me at Bank of the South (now owned by Pinnacle). A lady named Mrs. Adeline worked there and took care of us quite…
